Strategic Insights for Energy Managers: Maximizing Savings with Power Conditioning Systems to Tackle Global Adjustment Costs

May 6, 2024
May 2020

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how Class A customers in Ontario can save on their monthly global adjustment (GA) charges. This can be a complex topic, but with the right information and understanding, you can effectively manage and even optimize your energy costs. Let’s break down the essentials of how these charges are calculated and what it means for your business.

What is the Peak Demand Factor (PDF)?

For Class A customers, the monthly global adjustment charges are a crucial part of their energy bills. These charges are calculated based on the Peak Demand Factor (PDF). Simply put, your PDF is determined by your share of energy usage during the most demanding hours on Ontario's energy grid.

These critical hours are not randomly chosen; they represent the top five peak hours of electricity demand during a defined base period. The energy withdrawn by each customer during these peak times directly impacts their PDF and, consequently, their portion of the total GA costs.

An Example to Illustrate:

Imagine a scenario where you, a Class A customer, are responsible for one percent of Ontario's energy demand during these five peak hours. This contribution would mean that for the next adjustment period, you would be charged for one percent of the total monthly GA costs. It’s a direct correlation that highlights the importance of managing your energy usage during peak times.

Top 5 Peak Hours and Their Impact on Your Bill

Each year, specific hours rack up the highest demand on the Ontario grid. These hours are critical because the energy used during these times will determine your share of the total system-wide GA costs. The table below from the latest base period provides insight into these peak moments and the corresponding energy metrics:

·      July 19, 2022, 18:00 EST - Total energy: 22,941.830 MWh

·      June 22, 2022, 17:00 EST - Total energy: 22,750.026 MWh

·      August 29, 2022, 17:00 EST - Total energy: 21,169.932 MWh

·      July 20, 2022, 16:00 EST - Total energy: 21,394.446 MWh

·      August 7, 2022, 17:00 EST - Total energy: 21,073.300 MWh

Total System-wide Peaks: 112,764.221 MWh

Calculating Your PDF and GA Charges

Calculating your PDF involves comparing your energy consumption during the top five peak hours against the total system-wide consumption. Here’s a simplified example:

- Your Consumption during Top 5 Peaks (sum of consumption during the 5 aforementioned peak times): 20.015 MWh

- Total System-wide Peaks: 112,764.221 MWh

- Your PDF: 20.015/112,764.221=0.00017749

With this PDF, you can then determine your monthly GA charges:

- System-wide GA Costs for a Month: $999.6 million

- Your GA Charge for the Month: 0.00017749*$999.6 million =$177,419.00

Harnessing Power Conditioning Units GA (Global Adjustment) Savings

In the complex landscape of energy management, particularly for businesses engaged in Ontario’s Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI), every bit of efficiency and optimization counts. One of the key technologies that can drive significant savings is the power conditioning unit. This device not only ensures the quality of the power that flows through your systems but also plays a pivotal role in reducing both demand and energy consumption. Let's delve into how power conditioning units can lead to substantial savings on Global Adjustment (GA) charges.

Understanding Power Conditioning Units

Power conditioning units are advanced devices designed to improve the quality of power that is delivered to electrical load equipment. These units manage and rectify various power quality issues such as poor power factor, voltage sags and swells, harmonics, and some intermittent interruptions. By optimizing the power supply, these units ensure that electrical systems operate under optimal conditions, which is crucial for extending the lifespan of equipment and reducing maintenance costs.

Reduction in Global Adjustment Charges

By integrating power conditioning units, businesses can effectively lower their peak demand. This lower peak demand and consequently lower electricity consumption, translates to a lower PDF, subsequently reducing the GA charges incurred.

Power conditioning units contribute to a more predictable and manageable load profile. With these units, businesses can avoid spikes in power usage during the grid's peak demand periods, which are the critical hours that determine the PDF and thus the GA fees.

Long-Term Financial Benefits

Investing in power conditioning units goes beyond immediate reductions in energy consumption; it also aligns with broader financial strategies aimed at reducing long-term operational costs. The reduced wear and tear on equipment, coupled with the decreased downtime due to power quality issues, result in lower maintenance and replacement costs. Additionally, the savings on GA charges can be substantial, especially for large-scale industrial users where these charges form a significant portion of the energy bill.


Power conditioning units are not just tools for improving power quality; they are strategic investments in energy management. For businesses participating in Ontario's ICI, these units can be a game-changer. By mitigating peak demand, they not only lead to direct savings on energy consumption but also strategically reduce Global Adjustment charges, enhancing overall business efficiency and profitability. For those looking to optimize their energy strategies further, we would be more than happy to discuss more details with you in a meeting.

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