Are you looking for a more cost-effective way to operate your business? Are you making the most of our government’s Energy Conservation Plan incentives? For diligent service and proactive energy reduction solutions in Ontario, turn to a team who can assess and monitor your needs with the highest degree of accuracy
The Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) is a form of demand response that allows participating customers to manage their global adjustment (GA) costs by reducing demand during peak periods. Customers who participate in the ICI, referred to as Class A, pay GA based on their percentage contribution to the top five peak Ontario demand hours (i.e., peak demand factor) over a 12-month base period.
To participate in this program, your average monthly peak demand must be greater than 500kW. “Peak periods” are the days that consumers use the most electricity. There are many factors that play a role in firmly announcing a day as a “Peak Day”. Our sister-company; Edgecom Energy, has a proprietary software that can predict these peak days with a very high accuracy. To find out more, please visit their website at You can also visit the website of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) at
To know about this, it is important to understand “Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP)”:
The wholesale price of electricity is determined in the real-time market administered by the IESO. All electricity consumers in Ontario pay the wholesale price, also referred to as the commodity price, except for those who have entered into a retail contract. The IESO calculates the hourly Ontario energy price (HOEP), which is charged to large consumers that participate in the market, as well as local distribution companies (LDCs) who recover it from the subset of customers that pay the market price.
HOEP is only one part of the total commodity cost for electricity. The global adjustment (GA) is the component that covers the cost of building new electricity infrastructure in the province, maintaining existing resources, as well as providing conservation and demand management programs.
In Ontario, the GA is in excess of $1B and depending on what percentage of the total electricity consumed in Ontario you are responsible for, your organization will pay a portion of this to cover the mentioned costs. To read more, please visit:
Circuit Energy, in collaboration with Edgecom Energy, caters to customers who would like to maximize their GA savings by leveraging our technologies and the available incentives through the IESO and LDCs.
First, we start by evaluating your options – Our consultants from Edgecom Energy will meet you to go over your goals and current limitations to achieve them. We will then come up with a comprehensive plan to implement various solutions to help you maximize your savings.
We are a turn-key full-service Energy Management company and our goal is to reduce your energy costs, while leaving your day-to-day operations minimally impacted by our solutions.
When our designed solutions are leveraged, you could save up to 50% of your current electricity costs.
Our state-of-the-art artificial intelligence proprietary software that predicts, with high accuracy, the days that you will need to curtail usage to maximize savings – See Edgecom Energy for details
“Charge Off-Peak, Discharge On-Peak” – Depending on the facility’s electrical infrastructure and demands, we can design the right battery storage solution for your organization to ride-through the “Peak Periods” using the battery arrays designed to keep up with your facilities demands.
This solution gives our customers the luxury of shifting their loads from the grid to an in-house power generation facility in order to maximize uptime of the production equipment while being in compliance with the requirements of the ICI program – In conjunction with the pTrack software, you will have the ability to select the power source for your plant – partial or in-full – while maintaining your production capacity. We will provide you with the complete solution to have your infrastructure modified to allow for this.
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